Faith Restored or Wasted

Since the time I began reading books and actually understanding what was going on in them I had always wondered, even pondered on the ideal of God. Being young I read mostly fictional books as I was growing up as the thought of a higher power always seemed to wander into my mind. Reading about Harry Potter and how his world came crashing down around him for the good of his “wizard world” I just thought where is God in all this. Just simple reading times like these I couldn’t help but think of God as a fictional character as well. Please don’t think of me as a man of bad choices or judgement I was just simply young and didn’t understand such an idea of a higher power. Several years later as I enter my adult hood I think I can begin to understand the concept of God.

Lets be frank for a moment much like many things in life the existence of God is something that can be proved It can’t be touched, moved, or manipulated. What I’m saying is It doesn’t exist in our living world so we can only take it as a theory or a concept. I am currently twenty years of age with high ambitions and set morals for myself so this Is not a cry for religious help. I am simply stating my observations through experience to maybe persuade those who may be lost on the concept of God. The best remedy to a situation of being lost is losing your ignorance. By this I mean don’t sit there and praise that God has never existed and christians are making pointless efforts. If your going to argue your points on a subject as big as Religion at least sit yourself on level ground by either going through the experiences of a believer and a non-believer. Ignorance is one of the worst sicknesses Americans have just because we decide our opinions or predetermined evaluations of things. To any english majors, professors, or teachers reading this please feel free to critique my work but please don’t bash me for using first person because that how I enjoy writing blogs. But now that I have settled all that I will say my part of what I think in the idea of God.

I think of God as a choice much like many other things in life that are as simple as a yes or no to submitting yourself to. Growing up my family never went to church. My Father and Mother weren’t bad people they just had their hands so full with life they often times worked most sundays to provide for me and my siblings. As I grew into my teen years I decided to try the religious life myself seeing as how I was curious outside the ideas of Atheism. After my experience over the years I’ve come to realize God is only based off of faith. I’ve always believed we are most weak when we are just born or close to old age and every thing In between is our “better years”. When we are weak we rely on things such as faith to guide our purpose. My point that I’m trying to get to is you rarely see someone who just decided over night that God is their lord and savior like I did Unless they are very old. I went to church for close to 5 years and began to realize there was two types of Church goers. Those who were born into the church ( went with their families every sunday growing up) or those who are growing close to the end of their time ( older folk). Of course I’m wrong in a manner there is always those in between like the occasional alcohol addict who almost died and decided to dedicate his life to God for a miracle but thats one of those rare cases. I’m talking about the majority population at a sunday sermon. The point I’m trying to make is when we are weak we feel the need to be strong and so we turn to things we don’t fully understand with our faith. I believe in God. Why do I believe in God because I want to believe their is a father out there looking after me and that I’ll have a good after life. If I ever get the chance to have a family I’ll want them to have the same possibility that I am putting my faith in for when It comes to God. The simplicity of the subject is that its what you choose to believe in.

This is my first post and I hope to have many more like It, all I ask Is please don’t judge me and my moral only add your opinions or critique to my post and I will be glad to have you viewing my page. Thanks for taking time to read!


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